Meet the Hosts

We are many things, but mostly we’re glad to be here.

Rob Prince
Christen Bouffard

Rob Prince

Rob lives his life as if he’s trying not to let down his ten-year-old former self.  He drives a DeLorean, has a life-sized stuffed animal tiger, owns a replica Apollo 11 space suit, and has his own sensory deprivation tank.  However he’s also donated a kidney, so he’s vaguely aware that the people around him have needs, too.

Christen Bouffard

Asker of questions, maker of things, faithful fan of Futurama: Christen spends most her waking hours as a designer wearing many hats, and as a metalsmith (so her affinity for fire is more socially acceptable). Her least favorite activity is trying to encapsulate who she is in three sentences or less.


Episodes recorded

We just started this adventure but if you’re looking for more, Rob has another podcast named Dark Winter Nights: True Stories from Alaska. Check it out!


Lawn Darts

The cumulative number of times we’ve each fallen out of an aircraft.


Cups of Coffee

The number of cups required to get each episode posted.